Monday, July 11, 2011


Screenshots for the new app : Pressure Wound Analyzer


  1. E' molto grezzo e incompleto. E' impreciso. Come può esserci utile? Sembra la brutta copia di un software presente sul market android. Anche il nome sembra copiato.

  2. It is designed to help with diagnosis with pressure sores. The results will largely be affected by the quality of the photograph and the lighting.

    It will provide a better estimation of wound tissues than is possible with a human observer. The results from several images taken over time can be analyzed for a more complete overview of the wound healing.

    Yes it provides very basic results to the user. This was intentional as it is up to the user to draw a conclusion from the information. If there is any other functionality or options that you would like then please leave some suggestions and we will do our best to include them in future updates.

    I am not aware of any other software that does this and as such it is not a copy. The name is a very suitable one given the target application.
